James Solomon’s Plan to End the Corruption Tax on Jersey City Residents

Corruption erodes public trust in our city’s government and imposes a tax on all Jersey City residents. When a developer gets a tax break to build a luxury apartment tower, or the City renews its contract with a poor-performing but politically-connected vendor, residents face higher property taxes but receive worse services. James Solomon is the only candidate for Mayor who is committed to ending these practices and is truly independent and accountable only to you—developers and political machine bosses have already donated $424,905 to James’s opponents in this race.

Today, Councilman Solomon is announcing proposals that will provide the strongest anti-corruption protections in the history of Jersey City, stronger than those of any other municipality in the state. As Mayor, Councilman Solomon will fight to ensure corruption is rooted out and punished, significantly increase government transparency, and end the dominance of developers and machine bosses in our elections. In doing so, he will work to get City taxpayers far better services, at a lower cost. As Mayor, he will:

1. End Corrupt Practices that Enrich the Few at the Expense of the City

2. Give Residents True Transparency About City Government

3. Get Special Interests Out of Politics By Empowering Small Donors to Local Political Campaigns